Circus as a tool for social transformation
Cirque Hors Piste is a nonprofit dedicated to social circus that provides an alternative and inclusive space for creative expression to marginalized youth or those at risk of exclusion.
Through the power of circus arts, we offer these young people an alternative path of personal development with artistic and social support, enabling them to progress and thrive as citizens.
Recognized as a unique centre for intervention, mobilization, and innovation, Cirque Hors Piste is a Canadian leader in social circus. Our experience allows us to engage with scientific, social, institutional, and artistic communities to foster its development in Canada.

Our vision
Always in motion, Cirque Hors Piste reaches more young people across more territories, and positions itself as a mobilizing leader for the advancement of social circus in Canada and around the world.
We aspire for even more people to experience the benefits of social circus. We are constantly developing our services to increase the reach of circus arts, benefit new communities, and reach even more young people. Championing collaboration, Cirque Hors Piste has based its action on inter-organizational partnerships since its beginnings in 1995.
Our impact
Circus at the heart of success!
Based in Montreal since 1995, Cirque Hors Piste is building a society that allows all young people to thrive and make their contribution by enriching it with their resilience and creativity. We recognize the potential of marginalized youth and those at risk of exclusion as equal citizens who participate actively in the life of their community.
1. Intervention: Through interventions, Cirque Hors Piste supports young people in building self-esteem and developing life skills by valuing their potential.
2. Mobilization: Rooted in the community, Cirque Hors Piste creates social bonds by building inclusive spaces that promote diversity, encounters, and shared experiences through the coexistence of people of all ages and backgrounds.
3. Innovation: Cirque Hors Piste is proactive in acquiring and disseminating knowledge about social circus, consolidating the development of new practices and alternative approaches to social action.
Our values
Cirque Hors Piste’s actions are centred around youth, their interests, their needs, and their desire to contribute to society.
We help them build their identity as engaged citizens by ensuring that each young individual receives high-quality social support that is inclusive, fair and personalized.
Inclusive writing is used in all communications of Cirque Hors Piste as an essential element that allows us to combat sexist discriminations and advocate for gender identities in a quest for equality.
Foster the discovery of new possibilities by allowing space for self-expression, dreams and imagination.
Support and encourage collective engagement in activities that promote the development of social ties through open-mindedness, empathy, and consent.
Create a privileged space conducive to experimentation and risk-taking that ensures physical and psychological integrity.
Build a sense of belonging where people are accepted for their diversity and actively involved at the heart of the project.
Promote entertainment, playfulness, and laughter through different activities, formative experiences and participants.
Work in collaboration with community members, fostering a spirit of mutual aid and sharing.